
Friday, November 5, 2010

Deciding To Buy Absinthe? A Guide To Preparation

The preparation of absinthe will set anticipation before you drink it, creating the right type of mood. This procedure is usually known as the absinthe ritual and is the outline of how to serve your absinthe. It is important before you even buy absinthe that you know how to prepare it properly so you can enjoy this unique spirit correctly. Here in this article we will look at how to serve this drink so that you and your guests can drink absinthe as it should be.

First of all, before anything else ensure that you buy your absinthe from a reputable source, there are many different variants and brands so asking a professional is advised. Once you buy your absinthe you need some other ingredients and a tall glass. This tall glass should preferably have a wide open at the pouring end. You shall also need a special slotted spoon, these special spoons look very much like a cake knife with holes along it. You will also need ice cold water and a lump of sugar in order to serve this spirit suitably.

Fill the tall glass with 1/5 of absinthe directly from the bottle and you will smell the anise and wormwood straight away. Your absinthe will look bright green although that will depend on the brand and where you buy absinthe. Place the spoon on the top of the glass and the sugar lump on top of the spoon, and then begin pouring the cold water over the sugar so it dissolves into the absinthe. Keep pouring until your tall glass is full.

This is the traditional way that absinthe is served but some people like to dilute less water, but the usual is 5 part water for one pure of absinthe. The liquid that you will create will look misty, which is a foggy result that is known as the 'louche' (pronounced loosh in English) and should not be stronger than a glass of wine. If you are drinking absinthe for the first time it would be recommended to drink the absinthe properly diluted as it is a strong drink and you should start with less than more!

The traditional preparation of the drink is normally seen as part of the charm that surrounds it; however absinth can be drunk in cocktails. This is mainly because of its strong alcoholic content. If you do buy absinthe then do try it the traditional way to know what you are getting into and then try all of the variations you like!

Please note that when drinking absinthe or any alcohol that it should be done so responsibly and legally.

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